Magna Underscores Its Commitment to Kettering 合作社 Program and Students

曾经是合作社雇主 自2008年以来,领先的移动技术公司麦格纳知道凯特林学生的价值. This year, Magna expanded its partnership with a $100,000 grant to the University.

“考虑到我们作为一家移动技术公司,深深扎根于全球领先的汽车供应商之一, 对我们来说,一个关键的区别是我们坚定不移地承诺雇用具有开阔思维的员工, refuse to settle for mediocrity and embody our core values every day,詹妮弗·埃克莱斯顿说, Director of Talent Attractions and Employer Brand at Magna. “麦格纳的成功与我们通过吸引创新人才推动业务发展的能力有着显著的一致性, especially in the realm of developing new technological solutions. 这只有在他们拥有像正规的赌博app这样受人尊敬的机构提供的坚实教育基础的情况下才能实现.”   

合作运营总监Enza Sleva赞赏麦格纳看到了凯特林的价值.

“投资和支持凯特林对于为我们的学生提供最好的学术和现代资源至关重要,这样我们就可以为麦格纳等企业合作伙伴培养优秀的人才,”她说。. “像这样的合作伙伴关系使我们的项目和我们的学生处于领先地位,并帮助我们更好地为未来的劳动力做好准备.”

Magna employs 35 to 50 合作社 students each term, making it the third-largest 合作社 employer at Kettering.

“As our longtime 合作社 partner, 麦格纳认识到,当高等教育成为机构和行业之间的合作企业时,它是最有效的,” said 正规的赌博app President Dr. 罗伯特K. 麦克马汉. “这份非凡的礼物表明麦格纳致力于与凯特琳合作,为有前途的高中STEM学生打开大门, supporting critical robotics programs for young people, and creating opportunities for our students to benefit from hands-on learning, 竞争与指导.”

This year’s grant was the latest investment from Magna, which previously pledged $100,000 annually starting in 2017 as part of a broader agreement. 其中一部分资金资助了位于学习共享区一楼的麦格纳知识吧.

This contribution was divided equally among the following STEM programs:

  • Academically Interested Minds (AIM)
  • 机器人
  • 竞争的团队
  • 学习伙伴

1984年开始, AIM是免费的, 五周, 为对科学有浓厚兴趣的11年级多文化学生提供的暑期寄宿项目, 技术, 工程与数学(STEM). Students enroll in college-level courses to develop their functional, quantitative and qualitative skills. They also have the opportunity for on-site programs with 合作社 partners like Magna. 

拨款的机器人部分将支持学生参加其他大学预科营的奖学金, including Student Leadership Camp; JAVA and Python Programming; Robot Build and Drive; and Aerial Drone. 它还将资助与大学教授和合作小组的实践活动,在这些活动中,正规赌博十大网站的学生将分享他们的合作经验,以强调攻读STEM学位的好处.

The University has competitive teams for the following:

  • 的电子竞技
  • 智能地面车辆
  • EV Kartz
  • SAE AutoDrive
  • 巴哈SAE
  • 公式SAE
  • SAE航空
  • 壳牌环保马拉松
  • SAE清洁雪地车
  • 战斗机器人

麦格纳拨款将建立一个新的硬件环路(HIL)实验室,以支持SAE学生的项目和工作. HIL测试系统, 专门的软件, on test benches with real hardware components instead of a simulation.

“麦格纳的新HIL实验室对我们的学生很有价值,因为它介绍了真实硬件遇到的问题,这些问题可能并不总是包含在模拟中,”医生说。. Diane Peters, AutoDrive faculty adviser. “Since it’s a test bench as opposed to the entire system, students can test one element of a system at a time, which is both easier and more helpful in figuring out where problems are.”

除了, the grant money will partially fund a graduate student to support the AutoDrive team; fund a partial sponsorship of the Baja, 公式, Clean Snowmobile and Aero teams; and fund a sponsorship for other competitive University teams.

While Magna often sponsors the competition as a whole, Ecclestone said the grant allows the company to get involved at a team level too.

Student talking to spokesperson for Magna
Student looking at examples on table during Magna Day

“对我们来说,这是一个为这些学生提供指导的机会,也为他们提供了一个了解专业世界现实的机会,她解释道. “加入赛车队可以很好地类比在麦格纳(Magna)或其他原始设备制造商(oem)等公司从事的工作. 这些团队在车辆上工作, 处理解决问题, 对新技术进行头脑风暴,发现优化现有技术的方法,以获得更高效的产品. Whether it's achieving greater speed in racing or accomplishing the team's particular goal, collaboration is at the heart of this process.”

在过去的20年里, 凯特林为麦格纳员工举办了合作伙伴学习会议和研讨会,提供以下方面的培训和协作: 

  • 招聘和保留
  • 制定工作计划
  • 有效的评估
  • Culminating the undergraduate experience
  • 公司最佳实践

这些研讨会帮助麦格纳和正规的赌博app之间制定和实施了一个具有凝聚力和最佳实践的合作项目. The latest investment will strengthen these programs.

“Recognizing Kettering's esteemed reputation, 我们的团队正在积极寻求与大学的合作伙伴关系,以利用宝贵的合作机会,埃克莱斯顿说. “在一个小时的半径范围内,众多设施的邻近为学生提供了更大的可达性和曝光度. 然而, I strongly desire to witness increased cross-pollination between the teams, enabling the exchange of ideas and fostering collaboration among them.”


To further increase its outreach to students, Magna hosted Magna Day in October. 在活动中, 学生可以更多地了解麦格纳作为一个整体及其广泛的产品和能力.

“麦格纳日是一个独特的平台,为学生提供了接触我们组织的机会,并为他们提供了深入了解我们产品和运营的机会, which they may not encounter in their day-to-day interactions with other industry players,埃克莱斯顿说.

在未来, 斯莱瓦表示,该大学计划继续发展并扩大学生的合作机会.

“Kettering is proud to be a part of the talent pipeline for Magna,”她说。. “我们期待着让学生们做好准备,以满足我们合作项目中如此重要的一部分的需求.”

That sounds like an excellent plan to Ecclestone.

“作为企业合作伙伴,凯特林为我们提供的热情和支持以及帮助我们努力的意愿一直给我留下深刻印象,”她说。. “... I really love partnering with such a great university, and I see us continuing to be partners for a long time.”






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